Tirages sur la Chaine YouTube

Quelle chose positive vient prochainement à moi ?

What positive thing is coming to me soon?

What positive thing is coming to me soon? The 5 prints are made with the evolving white cards of the Enneagram Oracle that I created. I interpret the prints through...

What positive thing is coming to me soon?

What positive thing is coming to me soon? The 5 prints are made with the evolving white cards of the Enneagram Oracle that I created. I interpret the prints through...

Quel est mon besoin inconscient actuel ?

What is my current unconscious need?

What is your current unconscious need? And what is the advice to answer it? The 3 prints are made with the Enneagram Oracle that I created. I interpret the prints...

What is my current unconscious need?

What is your current unconscious need? And what is the advice to answer it? The 3 prints are made with the Enneagram Oracle that I created. I interpret the prints...